Going after your dreams is brave and takes a lot of faith. But it also means sticking with it, no matter what obstacles come your way. Believe it or not, the biggest challenges often come from within.


Everyone, even the most successful people, deals with self-doubt. The key is to recognize it early and shift your mindset. Here are some tips to help:

  • Surround yourself with positive, successful people.

  • Focus on positive feedback and ignore the negative comments.

  • Base your decisions on what you believe is right, not on what others think.

  • Remember, your journey is unique, so don’t compare yourself to others.

  • Set smaller goals along the way to stay motivated and keep achieving.

Frustration and Giving Up Too Soon

Chasing your dream is neither easy nor quick. It requires hard work and patience. Remember, many successful people faced numerous rejections before they made it.

Think of Howard Schultz, the Starbucks CEO, who faced 217 rejections before getting a yes. Or Colonel Sanders, who was 65 when his restaurant failed and received 1,009 rejections before someone agreed to his chicken recipe plan. Keep their stories in mind when you feel frustrated. A few "No’s" might just be stepping stones to your "Yes."

Not Pushing Hard Enough

Rejections are part of the journey and can even indicate you’re on the right path. Playing it safe to avoid rejection means you’re not pushing hard enough. Real success lies outside your comfort zone. Here’s how to push harder:

  • Visualize yourself at the next level and think about the steps to get there.

  • Take on more challenges than you think you can handle.

  • Study how others achieved what you aspire to.

  • Stay inspired with quotes, videos, and support from friends or mentors.

World Events, Like COVID-19

Even after overcoming personal hurdles, external forces like COVID-19 can impact your dreams. However, this doesn’t mean it’s the worst time to follow them. You can still make progress. Use this time to:

  • Find opportunities in the situation instead of excuses.

  • Catch up on industry reading and networking.

  • Enrol in some classes or training

Stay Positive

Above all, maintain a positive attitude. This is a mindset you can develop over time. As Sam Altman says, “I have never met a very successful pessimistic person.” Don’t let external events or your own thoughts bring you down. Keep moving forward and aim high.

Steven Gouws

Steve is a talented and versatile South African voice over actor with a passion for bringing stories to life through his voice. With a background in education and a love for storytelling, Steven has a natural ability to connect with audiences.

His warm and inviting voice has been featured in commercials, video games, cartoons, corporate narrations, e-learning projects, and audiobooks, showcasing his range and ability to adapt to different styles and genres.

In addition to his impressive vocal skills, Steve is known for his professionalism, reliability, and collaborative spirit. He approaches every project with enthusiasm and a commitment to delivering top-quality work that exceeds expectations.

Off the microphone, Steve’s other loves include being a dad, reading bedtime stories to his daughter, short and long form improv classes, well made commercials, and not taking life too seriously.


Vocal Fry